Robot & Manual

Improving Structural Integrity

Robot & Manual Hemming

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing at Armstrong, advancements in technology continue to revolutionize the way we work. Among the many innovations we are introducing, the use of robots in our manufacturing processes has received significant attention. One such critical area where automation has had a profound impact for us, is the hemming process used in the production of various components for our customers in the automotive, rail, aerospace, modular construction and defence industries. Robot and manual hemming processes each have their advantages and disadvantages, and their respective roles in the modern Armstrong industrial setting are dependent upon these.

Understanding The Hemming Process

Hemming is a metal joining process that involves folding and crimping the edge of one metal sheet over another to create a strong and aesthetically pleasing joint. This process is widely used in the automotive, aerospace and rail manufacturing industries, where it is used to create tight seams, improve structural integrity and enhance overall product appearance.

The Manual Hemming Process

Manual hemming was once the staple method for joining metal sheets in the automotive, aerospace and rail industries and it is still the process of choice for niche, low volume requirements.  Skilled operators use hand-held tools to fold and press the edges of metal sheets together with precision. Manual hemming offers some key advantages, such as adaptability to small production runs, ease of changes in process parameters and the ability of operators to detect and correct defects, quickly.

However, there are some inherent drawbacks to the manual process. It is labor-intensive, relying heavily on the skill and experience of the operator, which can lead to variations in the quality of hemmed seams. 

Manual Hemming

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing at Armstrong, advancements in technology continue to revolutionize the way we work. Among the many innovations we are introducing, the use of robots in our manufacturing processes has received significant attention. One such critical area where automation has had a profound impact for us, is the hemming process used in the production of various components for our customers in the automotive, rail, aerospace, modular construction and defence industries. Robot and manual hemming processes each have their advantages and disadvantages, and their respective roles in the modern Armstrong industrial setting are dependent upon these.

Understanding The Hemming Process

Hemming is a metal joining process that involves folding and crimping the edge of one metal sheet over another to create a strong and aesthetically pleasing joint. This process is widely used in the automotive, aerospace and rail manufacturing industries, where it is used to create tight seams, improve structural integrity and enhance overall product appearance.

The Manual Hemming Process

Manual hemming was once the staple method for joining metal sheets in the automotive, aerospace and rail industries and it is still the process of choice for niche, low volume requirements.  Skilled operators use hand-held tools to fold and press the edges of metal sheets together with precision. Manual hemming offers some key advantages, such as adaptability to small production runs, ease of changes in process parameters and the ability of operators to detect and correct defects, quickly.

However, there are some inherent drawbacks to the manual process. It is labor-intensive, relying heavily on the skill and experience of the operator, which can lead to variations in the quality of hemmed seams. 

Manual Hemming

The Robot Hemming


Unparalled Precision & Consistency

The Robot Hemming Process

The Rise of Robotic Hemming

In recent years, robotic hemming has emerged as a transformative alternative to manual labour for the Armstrong team. Our robotic system is equipped with advanced end-of-arm tools that can perform the hemming process with unparalleled precision and consistency. Unlike human operators, robots do not suffer from fatigue or variations in performance, resulting in uniform product quality.

Advantages of Robot Hemming

Precision: Robots can execute hemming tasks with micron-level precision, ensuring consistent and high-quality seams, which is crucial in industries where safety and performance are paramount.

Increased Productivity: Robots work tirelessly without breaks, significantly increasing production rates and overall throughput, which is especially beneficial for high-volume manufacturing.

Enhanced Safety: By removing human operators from hazardous environments, robotic hemming improves workplace safety and reduces the risk of accidents.

Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in robotics has been substantial, the long-term cost benefits are notable, particularly in mass production scenarios.

The Challenges of Robot Hemming

High Initial Investment: Implementing robotic systems has required a substantial upfront investment in hardware, software, and employee training.

Programming Complexity: Developing precise robot hemming programs demands skilled engineers well-versed in robotics and manufacturing processes.

Limited Flexibility: Robots excel in repetitive tasks but are not ideal for complex, low-volume production runs that require frequent process changes.

Robot Hemming

The Rise of Robotic Hemming

In recent years, robotic hemming has emerged as a transformative alternative to manual labour for the Armstrong team. Our robotic system is equipped with advanced end-of-arm tools that can perform the hemming process with unparalleled precision and consistency. Unlike human operators, robots do not suffer from fatigue or variations in performance, resulting in uniform product quality.

Advantages of Robot Hemming

Precision: Robots can execute hemming tasks with micron-level precision, ensuring consistent and high-quality seams, which is crucial in industries where safety and performance are paramount.

Increased Productivity: Robots work tirelessly without breaks, significantly increasing production rates and overall throughput, which is especially beneficial for high-volume manufacturing.

Enhanced Safety: By removing human operators from hazardous environments, robotic hemming improves workplace safety and reduces the risk of accidents.

Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial investment in robotics has been substantial, the long-term cost benefits are notable, particularly in mass production scenarios.

The Challenges of Robot Hemming

High Initial Investment: Implementing robotic systems has required a substantial upfront investment in hardware, software, and employee training.

Programming Complexity: Developing precise robot hemming programs demands skilled engineers well-versed in robotics and manufacturing processes.

Limited Flexibility: Robots excel in repetitive tasks but are not ideal for complex, low-volume production runs that require frequent process changes.

Robot Hemming

Blending Skill &

Precision & Quality Control At Armstrong

Blending Skill & Automation

Finding the Right Balance

The decision to employ either robot or manual hemming on a project depends on various factors such as production volume, budget constraints and product complexity. For high-volume production lines with consistent designs, our robot system is the preferred choice due to its speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, manual hemming is ideal for smaller projects with diverse designs and lower production volumes, where the flexibility and adaptability of our human hemming experts can shine.

In many cases, a combination of both approaches is employed, where robots handle high-volume, repetitive tasks, while skilled human operators oversee custom or intricate stages of an operation.

As the industrial landscape at Armstrong continues to evolve, embracing automation, especially in critical processes like hemming, offers numerous benefits. Our deep understanding of the advantages and limitations of both methods, enables us to make informed decisions that maximize efficiency, product quality and, ultimately, business success for our customers in the dynamic world of industrial production.

Finding the Right Balance

The decision to employ either robot or manual hemming on a project depends on various factors such as production volume, budget constraints and product complexity. For high-volume production lines with consistent designs, our robot system is the preferred choice due to its speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, manual hemming is ideal for smaller projects with diverse designs and lower production volumes, where the flexibility and adaptability of our human hemming experts can shine.

In many cases, a combination of both approaches is employed, where robots handle high-volume, repetitive tasks, while skilled human operators oversee custom or intricate stages of an operation.

As the industrial landscape at Armstrong continues to evolve, embracing automation, especially in critical processes like hemming, offers numerous benefits. Our deep understanding of the advantages and limitations of both methods, enables us to make informed decisions that maximize efficiency, product quality and, ultimately, business success for our customers in the dynamic world of industrial production.